Your Microsoft Points will painlessly convert to cash


Finally, some good news out of the Xbox One camp, I guess?

Ecosystems can be a pain whenever a new platform arrives. For instance, when the Wii U launched, gamers weren’t able to recover their Points from the old Wii marketplace and move it over directly to the Wii U (barring a workaround of buying something on WiiWare and performing a mass system transfer). But with the Xbox One, your Microsoft Points will instantly convert into an “equal or greater” value when the new straight-cash system is rolled out.

Actually, whenever the transition takes placelater this Fall, regardless whether you own an Xbox One or not you’ll get your money back in the new currency (and it looks like you have a year to spend the converted cash). That’s good news for 360 owners out there who have no interest in an Xbox One — which is basically everyone at this point. I’m just glad this is happening on both platforms, and the 360 isn’t relegated to antiquated banana bucks.

Because after all, Microsoft says you should probably think about buying a 360 anyways.

Microsoft Account[ via Joystiq]