Zelda: Tri Force Heroes region locks online play


Nope, none of this

Cloaked behind a curtain on the flank of Nintendo’s overflowing E3 booth this year, the company set up an intimate corner for press to see the likes of Star Fox Zero and Super Mario Maker without having to deal with the swarms of people taking selfies in front of the amiibo display.

There, I had the chance to playThe Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroeswith a couple members of the French media — an experience we apparently will not be allowed to replicate online.

According to Pocket Gamer,the co-operative multiplayer game does not support online play across regions, unlike many online multiplayer experiences, including Nintendo’s own Splatoon.

It’s unclear why Nintendo decided to do this, though latency issues may be the culprit. While the game relies heavily on communication, I didn’t have trouble playing with my French comrades, despite the language barrier — which is something that wouldn’t matter online anyway, asTri Force Heroes does not feature voice chat support. Instead, it forces players to rely on a preset messaging system or make use of external means to communicate with teammates.

The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes launches on October 23 exclusively for Nintendo 3DS.

Everything you need to know about The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes [Pocket Gamer]