Zoe Quinn launches Tidbytes: Biweekly free games for you


Starting with Clone and Win R.L. Stien’s money

Some people want to make videogames. A lot of want to play videogames. Everyone wants to get something for free. Tidbytes brings all those wants over one roof.

Zoe Quinn (Depression Quest) latest project pledges to provide you, the player, with a new videogame every two weeks. So far we’ve gotten Clone and Win R.L. Stien’s Money. If you’re a fan of Zoe’s prior games like Crystal Crashers and Jeff Goldblum Staring Contest, then you’ll find a lot to love here.

The plan is to release a new Tidbyte ever other Thursday, which puts us out until November 28th for the next installment. It will be interesting to see how long Zoe can keep up this pace, and what she puts out next.