Upcoming Japanese live stream for Final Fantasy XII teases happy news


Celebrating great sales for The Zodiac Age

Square Enix have announced that they will be broadcasting a celebratory live stream on November 21, to reflect upon the great global reception to Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, which launched on PS4 earlier this year.

The upgraded re-release of the 2006 RPG managed to hit one million worldwide shipments and digital sales, receiving favourable reviews from both critics and fans. Next week’s live stream, intended to celebrate the game’s success, will feature surprise guests and teases that “there may be news that will make fans happy.”

The stream is scheduled for 20:00 JST (06:00 ET/11:00BST) on November 21. It will be available for viewing right here.

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is available now on PS4.