A baseball player playing games with a fat cat, so don't ask any questions


It’s Friday and I’m allowed to post what I want, so you get this

The San Francisco Giants’ Matt Duffy isn’t a proven baseball player. He had to fight through Spring Training for a spot on the club’s 25-man roster. Still, I have shown in the past that I will do whatever’s necessary to get cats on the front page of this site.

So, here’s infielder Duffy with his family’s cat, Skeeter. Duffy’s allegedly playing Call of Duty, and Skeeter’s just doing his best Lane Bryant “big is beautiful” pose. I can name a bunch of better baseball teams than the Giants, and I can name a bunch of better games than Call of Duty, but adorable cats make everything right.

Quick sidebar, though. Duffy: You’re a world champion, man. Think maybe you could spring for the upgrade to PS4?

@BradMangin [Twitter via For The Win]