Angry Sun, Tetrimino, and Windows logo data found in Super Mario Maker data


A Windows logo amiibo please

Hunting for hidden data on big name Wii U games has yielded some pretty accurate predictions on future DLC in the past. Ryu’s inclusion in Smash Bros. for the Wii U and the 3DS was discovered way before it was announced, and most of the stages and weapons we’ve seen pop up in Splatoon in recent months were first found a while ago on semi-secret folders.

It will be interesting to see if that trend continues with Super Mario Maker. Hackers have been digging in to the games code and have found a lot of interesting stuff, including placeholders for the angry sun enemy from Super Mario Bros. 3, and references to character data character for Prof. E. Gadd, “Tetris“, “GoldenRetri” (presumably a golden retriever from Nintendogs). “Mashiko” (the Japanese name for Mary O, the guide from Super Mario Maker‘s manual), Baby Mario, the Windows Logo, and more.

I was expecting Chibi Robo [Correction: Chibi is actually in the game already] or Shovel Knight to join the game’s already lengthy list of crossover cameos before any of those guys, but I certainly won’t complain if the Windows Logo becomes a playable Mario character. Maybe Nintendo could return the favor by allowing an actual Nintendo 64 to be a guest fighter in Killer Instinct Season 3. I’m sure the 90’s kids would go bananas for that.

More costume data found hiding in Super Mario Maker, could point to future content[Gonintendo]