Are You Looking for Sponsorships?


Clearing out how to get sponsorship isn’t an easy task: it requires thought-out approaches and tested strategies to get instant income. Finding a reliable influencer for your product is another tricky challenge. Indeed, influencer marketing is an effective business strategy for new brands trying to stand out and show off their achievements.


Let’s outline what’s the essence of influencer sponsorships and how to mutually benefit from it. Sponsorship is a mutually beneficial partnership that involves the process as follows: you send your product sample to use and place on a particular platform/website. Due to constant reviews of your product, you get audience growth and product promotion together with an income increase.


This process may involve product placement, experiential marketing, social media, and branded content. Also, sponsorship includes some kind of advertising, meaning an influencer creates some number of sponsored posts on your product/service. So, it can be treated like technical advertising.


When looking for a trusted influencer sponsorship platform, you should know well your targeted audience first and then define the audience scope of the influencer you’d like to cooperate with, and find out if possible what income your audience segments can bring. Also, pay attention to the influencer’s media kit that shows the essentials, so you can decide in a moment whether it’s worth it to work with them or move on.


The idea of influencer marketing is clear: an influencer you cooperate with gets your service for free, tries and shares it with their audience. An important point is that your audiences should coincide, so as a result, you’ll gain both traffic boost and income growth.


To avoid managing dozens of marketing campaigns simultaneously, there’s a good option to apply an automation platform as ClickRising. You can be sure that you’ll get a proper audience that coincides with your targeted users, and your investment will go directly to attract the fitting audience.


ClickRising is an automatic user-acquisition ROI service for mobile applications that converts customer engagement into revenue with no limits and strict regulations. This is a unique way to attract sponsorship for marketing purposes. All you need to do is to share your mobile app link for installations to have some income for conversion.


Nevertheless, are you wondering how to find influencer sponsorships for promoting your products? ClickRising is a perfect solution to engage sponsorship for your venture and get some financial support. Another pleasant feature is an opportunity to invite your influencer mates and each of you will receive a 5% bonus.


You’ll get the following perks from using the ClickRising platform:


  • Ability to track your profit in real-time.

  • Getting regular payments weekly.

  • Be able to adjust it to any platform you want to share your product.

  • Control all the processes via the system dashboard.

  • No budget limit & complex agreements.


Sign up on the platform in several steps by choosing a proper campaign, sharing the link on your content, and start making income and boost your audience.


With the help of ClickRising partners who review available mobile apps like yours, they suggest users install them. So, you get income for every installation.


ClickRising is a solid ROI marketing platform that provides clients growth and revenue for mobile apps and mobile games. It simplifies the workflow for every mobile game marketer without waste.