Area man actually reads start up notifications in Metal Gear Solid V


The Phantom Pain

With the recent release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, gameheads across the country are learning more about the Cold War and West Asia than many of them learned in school.

The one thing they’re not learning about? What developer Konami considers important information. Starting up The Phantom Pain looses a barrage of notification screens — as many as eight! — that most gameheads thumb through quickly to get to the proceedings. But Amandeep Singh of Simi Valley, California actually reads Konami’s alerts before each play session.

“They don’t take too long to read,” Singh told Destructoid. “And sometimes they’re there for good reason, like to warn players about that progress corrupting bug.” Singh is referring to an issue affecting the game for players who take one of the game’s “buddies,” Quiet, along on two certain missions within the game.”I’m pretty glad Konami warned me about that one, even if they’re not all so helpful.” Singh said.

While some herald Singh as a hero, many of his fellow gameheads are frustrated by the amount of button pushes necessary to actually start it up. Bakersfield, California’s Matthew Wong told Destructoid, “I don’t care, you know? Like, I just want to play the game. Fuck.”