Arizona indie game developers show off their stuff


Valley of the Sun? More like Valley of the Fun, right?

The Smithsonian’s Art of Video Games exhibit enjoyed its last day at the Phoenix Art Museum yesterday. It will move on to the Everson Museum of Art in Syracuse, New York late next month. As a send off for the exhibit, the Arizona independent game developer collaborative Game CoLab put together the Arizona Indie Game Showcase, featuring more than twenty games in various stages of progress by local developers.

Perhaps the most impressive piece of information is that there is a relatively prolific indie scene in the Phoenix area. Though the development community in Phoenix is nowhere near that of San Francisco or Austin, the showing was larger than I had expected, and included some highly anticipated titles like Steve Swink’s SCALE and Erin Robinson’s Gravity Ghost.

Other notable titles that were on display at the showcase include Team Colorblind’s Aztez, AbstrAKT Games’ Protein Pirates, The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild’s The Bridge, and Team Grave’s Grave.

[Gallery courtesy of community photographer Chad Valente]