Assassin's Creed done in the style of Infinity War looks spot on


Ezio probably would be the Tony Stark of the group

In case you were wondering, there’s no Infinity Warspoilers here! Just a look at an older piece of promotional art.

Although the assassins of Assassin’s Creedmostly exist in different periods of time and have never met each other, that didn’t stop artist Turul from imagining them as one cohesive unit. Using the Avengers: Infinity Warposter as a base, they managed to smash in just about every major character from the Creedseries, with some decent amalgams as it pertains to the Avengersposter. For one, Ezio taking up the large prolific Tony Stark space is pretty perfect, as is the similar pose.

As someone who has played through all of the AC games (with their many ups and downs) I also got a little nostalgic for some of the characters who are no longer with us.

Turul [Twitter]