Blizzard kicks off Warcraft animated short series with Gul'dan


Neat fanservice

Gul’dan, a name pretty much everyoneknows by now because of his appearance in the recent Warcraftfilm as well as Heroes of the Storm, now has his own animated short.

Blizzard is crafting a new series called “Harbingers,” which sort of sets up the story for its upcoming World of Warcraft: Legionexpansion. For newcomers it’s a great way to get caught up on all of the current lore happenings, and for hardcore fans, it’s an amazing fanservicey refresher. Maybe you’ll feel bad forGul’dan after watching it?

Say what you will about “lore,” and fandom, I love how detailed Blizzard is with its projects. It leaves almost no stone unturned, even if it takes the company decades to do it.