Blizzard release adorable stop-motion animation video to celebrate Overwatch anniversary


It has cake in it, so I’m sold

The second anniversary of Blizzard’s online shooter Overwatch is just on the horizon, as part of the celebrations, the developer/publisher has released a wonderful new video, Trace & Bake, using stop-motion animations of some of the game’s most recognisable characters.

Stop-motion was used in abundance when I was a youngling, but has since died out a little due to its time-consuming, painstaking process, often only seen sporadically today in shows such as Robot Chicken. Here, it makes a welcome return, as happy-go-lucky Tracer attempts to get emo-boy Reaper into the spirit of things.

Sweet, huh? If you’d like to see the ridiculous amount of effort that went into this two-minute short. Then the Behind the Scenes video below breaks down the entire process, created by just five incredibly talented animators. This video also includes a great demo reel, where reliable DPS character Soldier: 76 comes to life for some midnight gaming.Overwatch is available on PS4, Xbox One and PC. The anniversary event begins on May 22.