Boss Battles for the Soul emulates SNES boss themes


Original music in the style of 16-bit boss battles

Retro game inspired music speaks to me (as I’m sure it does for many of you), and while I do enjoy a good remix/remake/remaster here and there, a lot of my favorite pieces are original compositions. Electronic music creator Mark Reichwein appears to agree, and he is putting together an entire album done in the style of Super Nintendo boss battle themes.

Reichwein stresses that these are not to be remakes of the music from twenty years ago, but original pieces done in the style of various ’90s era games, using the sounds from those games. He already has tracks based from Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI completed, and is seeking funding for the rest of the album. Naturally, I’m most looking forward to what he can do with the sounds of EarthBound.

The album is planned to have at least seven tracks on it, but depending on how much money the Kickstarter campaign raises, it could increase to up to twelve tracks. Interestingly, for the bonus tracks, backers will get a vote on which game he will emulate for the final product. Neat.

SNES Album: Boss Battles for the Soul [Kickstarter][Header image byMauroIllustrator]