Call of Duty: WWII is your next COD, reveal coming next week


April 26 at 10AM PT

After much speculation and many leaks, Activision has spilled the beans — the nextCall of Duty, developed by Sledgehammer, is titledCall of Duty: WWII, and will naturally deal with World War 2 yet again.

For years fans have been knocking on the series, saying that the far-future element has creeped into the formula so badly that it’s warped the franchise beyond reproach. As someone who doesn’t necessarily agree with that sentiment but doesstill consider World at Warto be the best entry, I’m happy with the pivot.

We’ll know more next week on April 26 at 10AM PT, during the official reveal. I’m fully expecting PS4, PC, and Xbox One as the platforms, with the former still providing exclusive or timed exclusive content. Activision has doubled down on their Sony partnership in the past year, as the platform holder heavily sponsored their recent world championship eSports tournament.

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