Contest open to design a weapon for Monster Hunter: World


Will you be the one winner?

Do you remember this?

This is a weapon from Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, designed by that Lin Setzekorn person you see on the lower lefthand side of the image. It’s a magnificent concept and one of the reasons I purchased the game even though I’ve never been scorching hot on the Monster Hunterfranchise. That design was one of the winners of a contest Capcom put on for MH4U, something it’s doing again for Monster Hunter: World.

I don’t know how we missed this one, but over on the Capcom-Unity blog, you can find the details for the Weapon Design Contest. The skinny of it is people are being asked to submit designs for one of the 14 different weapon classes in the game, and one out of all the designs submitted will be included in the final product.

The contest is open to fans worldwide and entries are due by 9:00 pm, August 16. In case you need a reminder of what weapons are included in the game, Peter Glagowski rounded up abunch of trailers for them last week. I have an idea in mind for the hammer, now I just need to find the time to draw it. Also, I need some art skills if anybody is handing those out.

Design a weapon for Monster Hunter: World [Capcom-Unity]