Contest: Win a copy of Moonlighter


We’ve got Switch, PS4, and Xbox One!

Check out today’s contest and win a Switch, PS4, or Xbox One copy of Moonlighter.

Moonlighter looks like a really neat little dungeon-crawler/action RPG hybrid. What’s not to like about that combo? You can hop into dungeons, beat up baddies, and sell their horns and stuff in your shop for money! It’s a cool idea, for sure.

I’m not the only one who thinks so, because 11 Bit Studios has sold over 500,000 copies of it. Whoa. That’s a lot of dungeons crawled, man. They just announced some DLC to celebrate the achievement, and gave us a couple of keys to give away!

Moonlighter gets its first expansion this summer with Between Dimensions, which will include:

  • New Monsters – Expand the main experience by filling current dungeons with new creatures.
  • The Interdimensional Dungeon – An all-new dungeon swarming with powerful new mini-bosses.
  • New Gear – Adventurers can pick up a plethora of new weapons, armors, shop items, and rings.
  • Trick Weapons – Never before seen Trick Weapons will grant players special powers, but they might come with a price! Twisting Moonlighter‘s mechanics in new and inventive ways, these new weapons will punish your enemies, but might just be a little err… tricky at the same time.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, here. You can win a digital copy of the game by commenting below with your platform of choice (Switch, PS4, Xbox One) and telling us how many fingers I’m holding up. Hint: I lost all of my fingers back in ‘Nam. This one’s a toughie, folks.

We have one key for each platform — the Switch and PS4 keys are for NA accounts, only. Winners will be drawn on Wednesday, April 24. Be sure to comment using a Dtoid account with your current email address on file. Don’t have an account? Make one here and get in on the fingerin’ fun!

Moonlighter is available now for Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch.