Darkest Dungeon attempted to crush my soul on the Switch


And it mostly succeeded

I got a chance to get my grubby little hands on the newest port of Darkest Dungeonfor the Switch. The game is here in all of its unforgiving glory. It throws some text at you during the opening scenes, teaching you the basics of survival, but it leaves the important things for you to figure out on your own.Darkest Dungeondoesn’t care about your feelings. It was created to twist and break youwhile leaving you somehow stronger in the end.

This is a game that lends itself really well to the portable nature of the system. The battles are turn-based, and it’s not difficult to pause during the middle of a fightand return later. Despite that, it knows how to get under your skin and cause you to actrecklessly. My first several quests all ended exactly the same. One character gets stressed out, throws their fists in the air, and then starts talking mad shit about everyone else in the party. Soon enough, the rest of them start getting pissed too.

The characters are so stressed — and constantly reminding me of it — that I can’t help but panic as well.Darkest Dungeonis anextremelystressful game, and it’s got a pretty steep learning curve. However, it’s immensely satisfying once you finally start figuring out how everything works.

One thing thatwascontinuously an issue was the teensy, tiny, menu icons. They’re certainly serviceable, and they do get the job done, but it led to plenty of incorrect touchscreen inputs on my part. Granted, this was only a problem while navigating the hub world, and it’s more of a superficial complaint. For all practical purposes, everything works exactly as it should.

It’s clearly designed for the PC, but Darkest Dungeonmade the transition fairly smoothly. In fact, I didn’t run into any technical issues whatsoever. Although, I’ve heard that there have been some problems with the DLC. I can’t comment on those, but the base game is a quality port and well worth your time and money.

[These impressions were based on a retail build of the game provided by the publisher.]