What favorite games of yours follow the 'retro' design trend?


Cblogs of 2/12 to 2/18/2022

Flegma looks at some retro-style indie games that could actually be ported to 8-bit machines without many alterations.

Pacario investigates the fact whether E.T.  caused the video game crash of the ’80s and also has a link to their podcast for more details.

cblog recaps othertoid

PhilsPhindings discusses the similarities between the soundtrack of Secret of Mana and Japanese ’80s Pop.

TheBlondeBass is back with more poetry for your enjoyment.

ChronoLynxx opens this week’s TGIF community thread for open discussion.

Not so many blogs this week, but then there are a helluva lot of big releases out right now and no doubt eating into everyone’s spare hours! We appreciate every blog we get, so thanks! Thanks also to Lord Spencer for the recap. If you want to help boost next week’s recaps, then just head on over to the Cblog section and have at it. You’ll find yourself recapped here next Saturday, and perhaps even front-paged!

Thanks y’all and enjoy the weekend!