Doc McCoy rides into town with Desperados III this summer


After the shower the sun will be shining

Following on from its previous 2019 delay, THQ Nordic has announced that wild west strategy sequel Desperados III will finally mosey on into town this summer, raising hell in a hand-basket on PS4, PC and Xbox One.

As a quick refresher, Desperados is an old west variant of the classic Commandos series, and tasks players with completing a campaign of challenging missions. each requiring the use of uniquely-skilled characters. This part must work in synergy to complete acts of espionage, robbery, assassination, and sabotage. The first two Desperados games launched on PC in the early ’00s, so this sequel, developed by Mimimi Productions, has been a long time coming.

The new trailer above takes a look at one of Desperados‘ rootin’ tootin’ bandits, bounty hunter Doc McCoy. As you can see from the clip, McCoy is just as handy with the ol’ alchemy as he is with a side-iron, working as both a sniper and a support character. As one of our first clear looks at gameplay, we can already see from this trailer that Desperados III is looking to replicate the exact same playstyle as its predecessors, which will please old-school fans.

Desperados III launches on PS4, PC and Xbox One this summer.