Erin and her little ghost: Gravity Ghost up for pre-order


Hand-drawn dynamite post-dead feelings

Gravity Ghost is that new 2D platformer that will have people saying “Oh come on, another indie 2D platformer? Gimmie a break!” before they play it and “… actually, this is pretty darn great.” after they play it. I have a hard time imagining anyone disliking it. It’s so light, nearly completely free of demands, offering multiple types of rewards simultaneously to encourage progression without ever punishing the player too heavily. It’s like the feeling of Animal Crossing with the thinking of Super Mario Galaxy,all withstyle that’s smart, charming, and personal. Developer Erin Robinson has been hard at work on this one for a while, and it shows.

We’ll be checking out the latest build of the game at PAX, but in the meantime, you can pre-order the game right now. Pre-order customers get the game for 33% off the launch day price plus an additional digital copy to give away. The developer encourages you “Find that person in your life — an old friend, a parent, a smart little kid — and give them your extra copy when the game comes out.” Once you play the game, you’ll understand why.

You can also pre-order the Gravity Ghost soundtrack from Ben Prunty (FTL) at a discount, and can score a free song from the soundtrack just for visiting game’s new webpage.