EVE Valkyrie is jetting off to Oculus-competitor Vive


It’ll be on all major VR platforms

Even though EVE Valkyriewas pegged as one of the Oculus’ flagship launch titles, that doesn’t mean that CCP has any particular loyalty to Oculus. EVE Valkyrie isfree to spread its wings and soar off to as many different platforms as it pleases. Another one got confirmed today.

In a tweet from the EVE Valkyrieaccount, CCP congratulated Valve and HTC on the Vive’s launch. Then, it was announced that the game will come to Vive in 2016. We reached out to a CCP representative who declined to comment on a launch date or launch window for Valkyrie‘s Vive debut.

This news isn’t too surprising because of something we learned a year ago. In March of 2015, it was revealed that Valkyriewould eventually be a launch title for PlayStation VR. That revelation made it apparent that the game wasn’t exclusive to Oculus, and would probably appear on every virtual platform reality it possibly could. That certainly appears to be the case.

@EVEValkyrie [Twitter]