Friday Night Fights: A New Dawn Edition


FNF returns!

[Friday Night fights is back! Well, it was never really gone, it’s just been retooled by Defenestrator, Mike Martin and company to eventually become better, faster, stronger, etc. Let’s get to it! – Pixie The Fairy]

I just missed a perfectly good “A New Dong” reference but I’m not going back into MS Paint to fix it.

Anyway, welcome to the new Friday Night Fights. It’s bascially the same as it’s always been, just moreso. Certain aspects are still up in the air, so there will be adjustments on the fly. Nothing serious, just finalizing smaller details. Consider this a beta.

Nonetheless, we have gaming to schedule, so let’s get into the meat of things. Friday Night Fights will remain essentially unchanged. You can expect to a blog go up every Monday with a listing of games for ALL consoles, rather than segmented C-Blogs for each. It’ll be bumped to the top of the C-Blogs periodically to keep it fresh in people’s minds. In addition, we’ll be trying to link people to other Destructoid-related gaming around the internet.

The big addition is Twitchtoid where community members can schedule a game to stream via Twitch/Hitbox/etc. and have it listed with the rest of the community playdates. Twitchtoid can happen whenever you like, so just leave a date with your request.

Also, if you have any sweet gameplay videos captured, especially during community events, be sure to send us a YouTube link and we’ll throw up a special video blog collection periodically.

Here’s how it all breaks down. If you want to schedule an event (FNF, Weekend Warriors, Twitchtoid), just leave a comment early in the week like so:

EventGame (Console)Time (Eastern Standard, please)Your Disqus/Dtoid usernameYour gamertag

If you don’t feel like waiting around, you can schedule a Twitchtoid session or find fellow Dtoiders for a game whenever you like. Feel free to make use of the snazzy new Quick Posts to put out a call immediately.

We also have a pretty damn robust community-run Steam group with nearly 3000 members. PC gamers take note:Steamtoid. If you aren’t having any luck here, be sure to stop by there to find some fellow gamers.

As I said at the beginning of the post, we’re still in the process of settling in so any feedback or constructive criticism is welcome. We will be editing in new requests as they come and possibly adding new info so check back often.

Thanks so much, guys. Let’s STFUAJPG!

-The Defenestrator

(P.S. HUGE thanks to SirDavies for the new header image and banners. Pretty damn sweet!)

Rocket League(PS4)10 PM ESTHost: Captain MericaPSN ID: trump307

Helldivers(PS4)11:30 PM ESTHost: The DefenestratorPSN ID: ThDefenestrator

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 Beta(PS4)1:30 AM ESTHost: The DefenestratorPSN: ThDefenestrator

Heroes Of The Storm(PC)8 PM ESTHost: AvtrSpiritSteam ID: AvtrSpiritBattlenet: AvtrSpirit#1860

Zombi(PS4)Sunday, August 23rd7 PM ESTHost: The DefenestratorTwitch ID:TheDefenestrator