Frog Fractions 2 devs' Kickstarter Sim captures the thrills of crowdfunding


Who needs insulin anyway?

Crowdsourcing funding for your game has been all the rage the past couple of years. We know full well how everything comes off from the audience’s side, but what do the developers go through?

Twinbeard, the makers of Frog Fractions 2, made a short game that aims to capture the developers’ experience. Kickstarter Simulator 2015chronicles all the bad decisions they need to duck, all the distractions they need to avoid, and all the life’s-savings they need to drain from peoples’ bank accounts.

But, it’s not all stressful shot-calling. Apparently, you get to chill on the couch with some cute cats, and that makes everything totally worth it.

Kickstarter Simulator 2015 [Twinbeard]