Frozen Endzone is in beta and available


Frozen Synapse developer puts their spin on American Football

Mode 7 Games, the developers behind the pretty-much-perfect Frozen Synapse, have officially entered the beta state of their next tactical game, Frozen Endzone. At its core, it functions a lot like Synapse, except instead of shooting everyone, you want to score what we in America call, a TOUCHDOOOOOOWN.

You can buy twocopies of the game for $25, or you can bump up the price for soundtracks, the ability to name players, and even more goodies. I’ve been told that you cannot “currently” bump up your pledge to get more rewards, but there will be ways of getting the items from other packs in the future.

I’ve played a few rounds of the game already, and I am absolutely enamored with it. I’m a big NFL andFrozen Synapsefan, so I feel as if this game was tailored straight to my needs. Plus, the player’s team is blue and that’s the color of the New York Football Giants. It’s different enough from Synapsethat I still feel a bit flustered when planning out a play, but familiar enough to instill some confidence in me. If you’re interested, head to the official site and buy it up! Then give one to your buddy because Mode 7 Games is cool like that.