Get acquainted with Nep and friends for Super Neptunia RPG


Meet the gang, bring pudding

While I’m sure many video game fans are aware of the existence of cheerful gaming protagonist Neptune – better known to her friends as Nep-Nep – there are probably still a lot of people who aren’t really in tune with the Hyperdimension Neptunia franchise; it’s world, characters, and lore.

With the western release of Super Neptunia RPG just around the corner, Idea Factory has released a trailer offering new fans a quick overview of the world of Gameindustri and its lovable Goddesses: Vert, Noire, Blanc and, of course, Nep herself.

The video also gives us a look at Super Neptunia RPG, a 2D action-adventure which sees the CPUs fight their way through Gameindustri after they become afflicted with a mysterious bout of amnesia. New friends and enemies await them on their quest, only adding further to Neptunia’s big book of lore.

Personally, I’ve only played two titles, but I find the Hyperdimension Neptunia series to be a fun and light, if flawed, franchise. Written with genuine good humour and a solid dose of self-referential irony, the Neptunia titles are a fun time, even if the gameplay is a little more simplistic than most RPG fans might hope. Put simply, it’s hard not to warm to Nep-Nep, her pals, and their goofy adventures.

Super Neptunia RPG launches in North America June 25 and in Europe June 28, on PS4 and Nintendo Switch. A limited edition set is also available for pre-order over at the official store.