Hitman 2 details plans for April's stealthy-stabby content


Making a Killing

Spring is in the air, but even the freshly-cut flowers and bright sunlight cannot deter our favourite Suspicious Bald Person from carrying out his nefarious activities, as IO Interactive reveal April’s content for their great stealth title, Hitman 2.

First up, and available right now, is the Mumbai Challenge Pack, which rewards professionals with a special Magnesium Pouch. April 12 brings a Legacy Elusive Target; “The Prince”, who will be visiting Sapienza for 10 days, let’s see that he decides to stay permanently, eh?

A new featured contract “Ghost Busters” will arrive on April 17, to be followed up April 25 with a new Escalation event, titled “The Nolan Disinfection”. We will end the month back in Santa Fortuna for a new Ghost Map. All in, it’s a busy month for 47. I’m always left wondering when he finds the time to spend all that money he earns, but I guess red ties don’t grow on trees.

Hitman 2 is available now on PS4, Xbox One and PC.