Horizon Zero Dawn looms as E3 posters unfurl across LA


Just a few more weeks!

How do we know we’re just two and a half weeks away from E3 aside from barbaric pieces of technology like the “calendar”? Giant buildings are being draped in video game advertisements around horrible downtown Los Angeles and its Convention Center, which plays host to E3 — possibly for the last time!

Here is Guerilla Games’ (Killzone) exciting new effort, Horizon Zero Dawn — almost typed Until Dawn there! — in gigantic poster form.

A Thunderjaw keeps a watchful eye on downtown LA. pic.twitter.com/1gSbHGNR1k

— Guerrilla Games (@Guerrilla) May 24, 2016

It’s a pretty dope poster, too. Not often do giant mechs get rendered in beautiful nature scenes with bright colors, after all. It’s like someone mashed up that default Windows XP desktop background with Screamers.

Not as good as last year’s Tecate bird banner, but good effort and I’m really looking forward to hopefully trying out the game and seeing more.