How many times have you died in Dark Souls?


All you need is an accessible save file

While we do our best to kill time on this final day before the console release of Dark Souls II, here’s a fun little distraction: a website that tells you how many times you’ve died in Dark Souls.

At the time of writing, this only works for the PC version but the creators are attempting to get it up and running for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 players as well. That said, anyone can view player averages and the top five favorite nicknames for Ornstein and Smough. “F*ck This I Quit,” indeed.

My total death count across all playthroughs is apparently 219. I can’t for the life of me remember what new game plus I’m on — it’s at least two or three in — but I’m sure most of these deaths happened in the Tomb of the Giants and New Londo Ruins. Those ghosts get me every time.