Mods, hate, and community with Chucklefish's Molly Carrol


Get to know the people that make great videogames

Two week’s ago on Sup Holmes (now on iTunes), we welcomed Molly Carroll to the program. Molly used to be a big part of the Dtoid Forums community before moving on to become community manager at Chucklefish (Starbound). We talked about how Molly got into the game industry, the role that she plays in the development of Starbound, how to develop and maintain a passionate and creative community around your game, the stuff that happened when the Mighty Number 9 community manager was announced, her pending move to England, and a lot more.

Outside of her work at Chucklefish, Molly’s been working on smaller games with a development collective called Owl Cave. With games likeRichard and Alice and Starbound already under her belt, it’s pretty clear that Molly’s going to have a long and fruitful career in the game’s industry. I’m glad I got to know her now before she ends up sheltered away from shows like Sup Holmes by some big publisher. It’s going to be fun to see what she does next.

Thanks again to Molly for appearing on the show, and tune in to Sup Holmes live at 1pm PST/4pm EST today when we welcome legendary adventure game developer Jane Jensen (King’s Quest VI, Moebius, Gabriel Knight) to the program. It’s going to be one for the books.