Our Titanfall review is coming soon


And our Dark Souls II review will go up at midnight tonight!

[Update: Here it is!]

As you may have seen, the official Titanfallreview embargo has just lifted. Where’s our review? It’s on the way, and here’s why we’re waiting to publish.

In short, with how big of an online focus Titanfall has, along with its heavy dependency on cloud technology, we wanted to wait until the game is in the hands of the public to really put the servers to the test. Plus, given the rocky launch of Battlefield 4, and not to mention SimCity’s disastrous release, we wanted to see if Electronic Arts has learned their lesson.

It’s our belief that reviews, which are ultimately a recommendation to you, the reader, should reflect your experiences. In other words, expect our review within the next 48 hours, after we’ve extensively played the game, and tested the online servers for ourselves. Thanks for your patience.

Our Dark SoulsIIreview is totally coming at midnight tonight (EST) though. You’ll want to read it.