I hope Veryman.Expert becomes America's next great pastime


Let’s fast track this sucker

Think about the weirdest thing you saw today. Veryman.Expert is probably weirder.

It’s a browser-based god game, so to speak, about creating men. There are no losers, ever.

You can adjust your man’s movements — a touch of Leanin here, a lil Big Big there — and deck him out in muscle patterns like Human Pouch and Torque. You can put your man in space, or dress him as a Hot Beef Boy. You can even feed him nachos laced with stereoscopic 3D-inducing drugs.

All that, and when you’re finished, you can export your man as a .gif for the betterment of society.

Veryman.Expert is my new obsession.

[Via Ben Gage]

Steven created his first veryman while I was trying to think of human words that could adequately convey what the site is about. I think I failed, but I am so proud of him for becoming a certifiable veryman expert. Hope he doesn’t forget about me now that he’s in the big leagues.