It's time to vote for Destructoid's 2020 Community Game of the Year


2020 Edition

You’ve already heard from the Destructoid staff regarding our favorite games that came out of the hellscape year 2020, but now it’s time for your voice to be heard, Dtoid readers. That’s right, it’s time for the annual Community Game of the Year vote, and this year we’re switching things up a bit.

For 2020, we’re implementing a preferential voting mechanic so that you can pick not just one but three nominees for the Game of the Year. The vote is simple: select your top three games in the form provided here, and then when all is said and done on January 4, I’ll tally up the votes in a weighted vote.

Your first pick will receive three points, second choice two points, and third choice one point. The game that receives the most cumulative points by the Destructoid community will then be declared the winner. Because of this, any vote that has a single game listed more than once will be invalidated. It’s a long list of eligible games in the dropdown menu so I’ve provided a cumulative list here.

Additionally, for fun, you can tell us what your favorite game from a previous year that you played for the first time in 2020.

Voting will remain open until next Monday, January 4, 2021 at 18:00 Eastern time, with the results to follow sometime that week.