It's time to watch Square Enix's E3 2021 presentation as a family


More Final Fantasy? You don’t say!

Remember the olden days of E3 yore? When anyone and everyone had a press conference and they didn’t always go so well? I’m talking E3 presentations to the extreeeeeeeeeme.

Well Square Enix has been pushing for E3 presence these last few years, and they have the library to justify it. If they just announced one Final Fantasy development annually, or show some random bits of whatever “part” of Final Fantasy VII Remake they’re working on, it would be a success. It’s a powerful IP that can drive the company forward for ages to come. It’s still weird to me, growing up with “Squaresoft,” to see western studios under its umbrella.

We might not get a Remake update this year, but there are plenty of rumblings for what they could show. More Final Fantasy XVI is a given. But we’re also getting a “world premiere” from Eidos-Montreal, as well as Babylon’s Fall info, and updates on Life is Strange: True Colors and Marvel’s Avengers.

Let’s all watch it below together and speculate!