Killer Instinct may not be 'free-to-play' in a bad way


Double Helix Games clarifies that there will be a demo instead

Earlier today, it was reported that Killer Instinctfor the Xbox One would be completely free-to-play, thus putting a rather large, nasty elephant in the room of an otherwise positive prospect. But it appears as if Double Helix Games has set the record straight at a showfloor event.

In fact, the game will actually launch with a demowith one playable character, and allow you to purchase the entire game as normal — like you would with any full retail release, in addition to character packs (similar to DLC or costume DLC in any current fighting game).

In my eyes, this actually seems like a feature in the form of an enhanced demo, allowing you to play at least one character with your friends in a full retail game, before you purchase the full game. All hope may not be lost for this if that is indeed the case. In other news, the classic character Glacius will be playable at EVO 2013, and the game will feature 40 training lessons to help ease in new players.

I started playing my old Killer Instinct and Killer InstinctGoldcarts last night in anticipation of this release later this year. I really hope this one delivers, but like the rest of you, I am a bit wary for multiple reasons.

E3 Live [GameSpot via Event Hubs]