Knuckle Sandwich looks like bizarre RPG bliss


The battle system is a stunner

If you weren’t already fully on board with Knuckle Sandwich, a funky role-playing game possessed by the spirit of Mother, then today’s combat-centric “2020 Teaser” could be the final nudge you need.

The battle system calls to mind Undertale and WarioWare Inc. in the best possible way.

Due out at some point on PC and Mac, Knuckle Sandwich is about a wayward boy, a gang, and a cult.

The game’s creator, Andrew Brophy, promises “a considerate scenario design that rewards players for exploring, but also won’t make you feel bad if you don’t have the time to look at everything in the game okay jeez some of us have jobs we can’t play video games all the time just let me live my life.”

I’m so pleased we’re getting this and Oddity. The genre is in good hands.

[Thanks, Inquisitive Ravenclaw]