Konami is having issues with Metal Gear Solid V on Xbox platforms


The Xbox One switched wallets

As most of you are aware of by now, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Painhas some online features in the form of PVP invasion and Mother Base FOB construction. These require you to be online, and require that the servers are up on Konami’s side. After an initial downtime on PS4, the servers have been mostly stable — but not on Xbox platforms.

Game Informer was able to verify (as was I, through a trusted translation source), that the on the official server status site, the red text (only on the Japanese side) notes that Konami is having issues on the Xbox 360 and Xbox One platforms specifically. As we all know, the Xbox One is struggling even more than the 360 did in Japan, so it makes sense if they want the PS4 platform, which likely had a whole lot more Phantom Painsales, to be up first. They should just….communicate that worldwide.

Although these should be up without question for those who want to use these features, I highly recommend just playing offline entirely and avoiding all this. The game is 100% completable without it.

Metal Gear Solid Server Status [Konami via Game Informer]