Legend of Iya has been in the making for a lifetime


Gatling Gun Face Mammoth boss!

Some people have been waiting their entire lives waiting for game that crosses Castlevania: Symphony of the Night with Secret of Mana and The Wizard of Oz, and at least one person has waiting their entire adult life to make it for them. Andrew “DarkfalzX” Bado has been working on The Legend of Iya for as long as he can remember. The game has been in production for years, and has multiple public starts and stops. There’s even an old Spectrum ZX version of the game that Kickstarter backers can snag as a bonus.

Bado is sprite artist by trade (just look at his awesome work on Batman: The Brave and the Bold), so it should come as no surprise that the Legend of Iya‘s beautiful graphics are among its many selling points. The whole games seems to be running a little slowly though. My guess is that the animation and gameplay would both look a lot smoother if the throttle were turned up a tad. Still, there is no arguing that a magical twelve year old who kicks the crap out of gatling gun tusked robo-mammoths is something worth getting behind.

Legend of Iya [Kickstarter]