Live Show: The GTFOMLG Show – Episode 1.0


Panic Restaurant (NES)

You may be asking yourself, what the hell is a GTFOMLG? Well, in short, it’s the first of many themed shows to be hitting the Dtoid.TV channel. It stands for “Get The Fuck Off My Lawn Gaming,” a showcase of all things retro filled with old commercials, music, and nostalgic conversation that I will be hosting four nights a week. I’ll be ranting about the good ol’ days while playing the games of yesteryear that the community can choose in daily polls. Tonight, it all begins with an old ditty called PanicRestaurant.

Keep in mind, the show needs a lot of work (retro-themed intros, layouts, notifiers, etc.), and will be finding its legs over the next couple of weeks. With that said, please tune in and not only watch it evolve, but help us shape it into something greater. And be sure to come by and follow the channel, as we are in the process of going back to our ’24/7′ format featuring near-endless content full of different personalities and themes. Trust me when I say, it’s going to be big, and you won’t want to miss a minute of it!