Last chance on 15% off Eve PLEX as Summer Sale ends


Rare Eve Online PLEX discounts for limited time

Back in my day, it only took one PLEX to buy 30 days of Game Time,” said the old man who could have started playing the space MMO just months ago. PLEX “inflated” by a factor of 500 earlier this year in order to replace the need for Aurum (players were compensated for the currency conversion of course). While the dust was settling over the big change, we haven’t noticed any deals on Eve Online PLEX. That has changed.

Tucked away as a side deal in Green Man Gaming’s 2017 Summer Sale is 15% off PLEX. While this may not seem like a massive discount, one should note that when PLEX went on sale in the past it normally was 10% off. This is slightly higher and we’ve rounded up all the new deals below.

Eve PLEX Deals

The GMG 2017 Summer Sale is only going to be around for a limited time. The PLEX discounts will disappear on Friday, August 4 at 11:00am Eastern.

Game deals from Dealzon. Sales help support Destructoid.