Mass Effect: Andromeda is still truckin' with a new multiplayer patch


I might pop in for a minute

Mass Effect: Andromeda might have shipped over two million copies, but it had a disastrous effect on BioWare’s image — not unlike Bungie’s recent Destiny 2 troubles. Not only did the myriad glitches and lack of post-launch support hurt the company’s profile, but BioWare Montreal was merged into Motive Studios as a result. What once was a glorious new beginning for Mass Effectstarted to look like the end.

But it’s not entirely the end, at least nominally. BioWare is still putting out small multiplayer updates for Andromeda, including one that launched this week. Presented with a no comment “Here are the latest updates to Mass Effect: Andromeda Multiplayer,” like the developer is collectively reading the room and doesn’t want to address the dark state of the game, a number of balance changes have been deployed.

It’s not much but many weapons have been straight-up buffed when it comes to clip size and ammo capacity, which should lead to more fun times blasting up aliens. It’s been a while but I may jump back in for a match or two.

Mass Effect: Andromeda Multiplayer Updates [BioWare]