Metal Gear Online: 16 players on PC/PS4/Xbox One, 12 players on PS3/360


Player counts detailed

Konami’s Japanese Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain website has detailed the player count for The Phantom Pain‘s online component, Metal Gear Online.

The PC, PS4, and Xbox One versions of Metal Gear Online will support up to 16 players, while the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions will support 12.

As I wrote last year, MGO looks like a unique enough game to encourage me to dip into online multiplayer for once. “A cute puppy plush has replaced MGSIV‘s nudie mag distraction trap, there’s a mini, personal bipedal robot with a gun, Quiet-like stealth abilities, some sort of teleportation, and a sentry that shoots people with Fulton balloons, which you can shoot and pop before they send your teammate flying in the air.”

Yep, I’m all about that. Shame I have to weigh getting it on PS4, which is where I want to play, and getting it on PC, which is where I can play online without a subscription.

Metal Gear Online supports 16 players on PS4, Xbox One & PC, 12 players on Xbox 360 & PS3 [Videogamer]