Microsoft fixing 'twitchy' Xbox One controller input


And improving the upscaler

At the request of Titanfall developer Respawn Entertainment, Microsoft will tweak the Xbox One controller and the console’s upscaler, reports The Verge.

“It’s just fixing the controller input, really,” said design lead Justin Hendry. “It wasn’t really where we felt it should be; it was a little overly twitchy with the current controls. Now it’s fixed. We’re happy with it.” This preparation comes in addition to what’s been announced for the March update.

I have to claim ignorance here as I’ve spent nowhere close to enough time with Xbox One games that make real use of the analog sticks to pass judgment. Same goes for the upscaler, though I have at least heard complaints about how sub-1080p games look on the system.

Microsoft will ‘fix’ the Xbox One controller at the request of ‘Titanfall’ developer [The Verge]