Mutant Mudds 3DS to get 'Deluxe' update soon


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Mutant Mudds has been quite the cash cow for Renegade Kid. In addition to its original 3DS incarnation, the game has seen a release on Steam, the PSN, and the Wii U — the latter of which got quite a few bits of extra content.

But developer Jools Watsham has been hard at work with a Deluxe update for the 3DS, which adds extra Wii U content to the original — specifically, 20 Ghost levels. After a delay past their original target of earlier this year, the update has been given to Nintendo for approval, and now it’s just waiting on NOE.

So if you own the original, expect to boot it up soon and enjoy the new stuff, with the 3D effect intact.

Jools Watsham [Twitter]