My Nintendo offers Xenoblade Chronicles 2 alternate Switch case cover art


And wallpaper

I know I’ve said this before but alternate cover art is my jam.

As a physical collector I often find myself wanting to swap covers just for a change of scenery, or in some cases, to hide a particularly bland piece of standard art: the alternate covers for BioShock Infinite were a delight in that respect. But Nintendo is also getting in on the fun with alt art for Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna – The Golden Country, you just need to do a bit of legwork to get it.

As is customary these days, especially for RPGs under the purview of the eShop, you need to head over to My Nintendo. Just log in, locate it here for 30 Platinum Points (the easy to earn but mostly useless currency), and you’re good to go. You can also snag a wallpaper for 50 points. If you need points go click on the wandering coin on your home screen and do a quick survey. Something to do with Platinum!

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 [My Nintendo]