Netflix releases Witcher TV series timeline, in case you were confused


Spoilers, obviously

I didn’t think Netflix’s recent WitcherTV show needed a timeline per se to explain its nonlinear narrative, but here we go. Vague spoilers from here on out.

So if you, like millions of others, watched The Witcher, you might have been a tad bit confused even if you played the games and read the books. The Netflix show handles things a bit differently so a lot of the focus could remain on Geralt, so the showrunners jumped around timelines a bit.

Repackaging everything you just saw, Yennifer’s storyline, taking place in the year 1210, is the first thing that’s covered. After that, from a chronological standpoint, Geralt’s adventures (in the first episode) begin. Beyond those events the rest is pretty straightforward, with everything happening in-between running up to 1263, where Ciri enters the story. All the while her tale is playing out through the course of the series.

It’s a long wait until the end when everything is made clear, but I get where some people might feel lost. If you’re one of those people, the showrunners have announced that further seasons will be told in a more linear fashion. Hopefully it’ll get a script quality bump too! I’d love to see what this show could do with a little more bite.

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