Nier, Drakengard creator starts new company


Still doing Nier 2!

Taro Yoko (Nier, Drakengard) has started a mysterious new company, Bukkoro. There’s a website and not much else to go on. It does have adorable drawings done by Taiko Drum Master artist Yukiko Yokoo.

According to Siliconera, some of the drawing captions include, “I don’t really know any details…,” “definitely soon…,” and “It’s not done yet, so running away!”

Hana Kikuchi, who wrote for Nier and Drakengard 3, is also listed on the staff page.

Yoko, of course, is also working on Nier 2, for which he made a moon-faced appearance at E3 (above) and recently moved to Osaka (from Tokyo) where developer Platinum Games is located.

Nier Creator Taro Yoko Started His Own Company [Siliconera]