Nintendo coming to GDC Europe for the first time


Session details TBA

GDC Europe is set for August 19-21, timed to run alongside gamescom 2013 in Cologne, Germany. More and more sessions are being added to GDC Europe’s lineup each week to make the 275,000 person combined mega-event even more attractive to gamers and game makers.

Nintendo just added two special sessions to GDC Europe. This would be the first time that Nintendo has participated in GDC Europe. GDCsays that details of these talks will be announced in the near future. Why so secretive, Nintendo?

Google is also showing up to GDC Europe. They’re calling August 20 Google Developer Day, and there they’ll touch on topics like multiplatform gaming through Google Cloud.

There’s plenty more where that came from. Talks on everything from Crysis III to Oculus Rift will be featured at the event. Destructoid will be at both GDC Europe and gamescom next month. Stay tuned.