Patapon Remastered hits PlayStation 4 August 1


Patapon, my white whale

Oh, Patapon, you’ve eluded my grasp for far too long, but no more! That’s right, Patapon, the 2007 rhythmgame originally on the PSP, is getting a remaster.

We already knew that, but now we know when. You’ll be playing what many think is one of the PSP’s best games on your PlayStation 4 starting August 1, 2017.

I never got around to Patapon, but countless friendshave told me it’s right up my alley. So, I can’t wait to get my hands on the remaster.

Sony hasn’t announced a price yet, but I’d imagine it wouldn’t run you more than $20.

Patapon Remastered comes to PS4 early August [Game Informer]