Player reaches in-game currency cap in Final Fantasy XIV after four years, explains how they did it


999.999.999 gil

After four years, a player named Shalice Icefrost on the Hyperion server finally reached the money (Gil) cap in Final Fantasy XIV. For those who are unaware, no, this isn’t a mainline solo Final Fantasy, but rather an MMO, with a living breathing economy that changes on a whim after every update. It’s a pretty insane accomplishment as you may have guessed, and the story of how they did it sounds fairly arduous.

In what could easily be an “MMO Economy 101” lesson, they delve into which crafting professions were the least and most profitable, the best ways to make money (experimentation with crafters rather than using cookie-cutter guides), and the best patches for making money. The latter is incredibly important, as one could study market trends to accurately predict the future. If you’re at all interested in online economies, give the entire post a read. What’s the next step? Perhaps half-jokingly, they stated that they want to transfer the money to their alternate character, and “start over.” Given that the most expensive items in the game are houses, which run roughly 50 million Gil for the most decadent versions and are all basically gone, there isn’t much for them to actually spend it on.

I can’t fathom reaching 100 million Gil, as I mostly stick to PVE content and pay/help out friends to do my crafting for me.

After 4 years, I achieved my goal of having 9 billions gil [Reddit]