Ride papercraft pigs in this cute Tearaway trailer


Wild pigs couldn’t tear me away from Tearaway

Along with Puppeteer, Tearaway has to be the most delightful-looking game of the year. I’m torn as to which looks cuter. It might even be a legitimate contender for many game of the year awards. Hamza couldn’t sing its praises enough when he previewed it before E3 — it was his favorite game to play in a Sony showing that included The Last of Us, among other great titles.

It feels a little like Wind Waker by way of Media Molecule. It even manages to use the Vita’s alternative controls — touch, tilt — in a big way without feeling gimmicky or unnecessary. It’s a bundle of originality, from its papercraft aesthetic down to the neat gameplay elements.

Plus, you can ride pigs! Good lucking tearing me away from Tearaway when it comes to Vita this November.